So we’re sitting around when an email comes in from a costume coordinator in Los Angeles who says she represents the Broadway production of Rent and would we mind if they used our DIVA tee in their play:
Within a couple days we had our tees delivered in LA, just in time for their dress rehearsals:
Then we find out that it’s not only being used throughout the course of the Broadway production, but that it will also be featured in “Rent: Live”, which aired on Fox on January 27th. Check this out:
You may have seen a story in the news about one of the main actors – Brennin Hunt – who broke his foot in the dress rehearsal:
I guess when they say “break a leg”, sometimes it actually happens! Tough break, Brennin (hiyo!).
The cool part is that our DIVA tee was clearly visible throughout the show. Here's a few more pics:
What’s even cooler is that this is the second time BigBadTees t-shirts have been used on television (we’re also featured on Velocity Network’s Carfix which air Saturday’s at 11am).
We’re starting to make a habit of getting on TV, and it’s a habit we don’t want to quit!
If you want to grab your own DIVA tee, CLICK HERE or click the t-shirt image below:
That’s all for now.
Reggie Cummings on
The pics show cut off sleeves tho…
Ya Reggie – that was a custom mod by their costume crew lol. Sorry…we don’t offer crop-tops at this point!